An NRA Affiliated Club
We are a family friendly club.
The Middletown Pistol and Rifle Association offers a 10 station, indoor range with electronic/pneumatic controlled turning targets. The rolling shooting benches can be moved from 25′ through 75′ shooting positions. We have special returning targets for our air pistol and rifle matches.
The Middletown Pistol and Rifle Association is conveniently located just outside Middletown, New York. Our building is heated and air exchange is provided by exhaust fans. Our parking area is adequate to host Association meetings, inter-club matches, training, and public events. The range is available to members and guests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our backstop is designed for airguns, .22 rifles, and center fire handguns for indoor competition. Magnum loads and bottle-necked cartridges are prohibited, as are shotguns.
PLEASE NOTE: The Middletown City Police have weekday range priority from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Signs will be posted on both doors. If the police are not using the range during those times, members are welcome. ***MPD typically uses the range for two weeks twice a year from 6a-2p.
Our meeting and classroom seats approximately 35 persons and is excellent for Basic Firearms, Hunter Safety and Home Firearms Safety courses that we offer.
MPRA regularly hosts Ulster County Pistol League matches in .22 and center fire bullseye competitions. A list of popular MPRA shooting events is available.
MPRA is a 100% NRA Member Affiliate. There are several types of annual memberships: adults, associate members of those adults such as spouses (no key, no voting privilege, no newsletter), and juniors 12 to 18 years of age. Applications and further information is available at all MPRA general membership meetings, which are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at the MPRA facility beginning at 8 p.m.

By Mail:
Middletown Pistol & Rifle Association
PO Box 302
Middletown, NY 10940
By Phone:
Call (845) 386-3727 NOTE: This number is not monitored on a regular basis. The best times to call is on meeting nights or 1/2 hr before a scheduled event. Feel free to call and leave a detailed message, and someone will return your call. Please give at least five days for a response.